The best range of Rab clothing and equipment in the UK. We have a long history with Rab gear, but we always look forward to their latest, new designs arriving on our doorstep. Rab have gone from strength to strength and are now making some of the best outdoor gear in the world. Their specialty being Down Jackets for Men & Women and their high-performance Sleeping Bags.

We are the kindred spirits. We are the fellowship hewn from granite and grit. We are the restless, the persistent, the plain stubborn. We are the strivers for perfection, the vanquishers of ghosts. We are forgers of dreams, crafters of comfort. We are the smallest detail and the simplest innovation. We are the hand-stuffed sleeping bag, the sharpest needles. We are the stories in every seam, the memories in every piece. We are the weathered jacket, the borrowed kitbag, the huddle of a storm lashed tent. We are the warmth of companionship beneath icy skies. We are the clink of tin mugs in the shivering dawn. We are the smell of fresh rain at sunrise; of embers at sunset. We are the voices that spur you on. We are the stokers of the flame. We are the fibres that entwine us all. We are the bond stronger than any rope. We are the mountain people.
We are Rab.

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