Ultralight Outdoor Gear Awards 2024
Posted by Andy Neil on Dec 13, 2024
At Ultralight, we’ve tested and reviewed the very
best in hiking, camping, and outdoor gear to compile this definitive list. This
year’s winners feature cutting-edge technologies, eco-friendly innovations, and
user-focused designs that represent the pinnacle of outdoor excellence. Whether you’re a weekend warrior or a seasoned adventurer,
these award-winning products are sure to inspire your
The Ultimate Guide to Choosing an Ultralight Camping Stove
Posted by Andy Neil on Jul 15, 2024
Camping stoves are an essential
part of any hiking or camping adventure. They provide a reliable means to cook
meals and boil water. Choosing the right stove can significantly enhance your
outdoor experience. Let’s delve into the various types of camping stoves, their
pros and cons, and the best scenarios for their use. Before selecting any outdoor gear, it's crucial to consider your specific
Gram-counter Gear Thermo Pocket Review - Trek Scotland
Posted by Trek Scotland on May 19, 2022
If like us you like to keep the weight down and calorie
intake high, then you’ll most likely choose a dehydrated meal pouch as your
evening food choice. New brands are popping onto the market, with a wide range
of variety to suit mostly all dietary requirements and tastes.
What hasn’t changed though is the time it takes for your
meal to properly absorb the added water to give the meal
Gram-counter Gear Featherweight Evazote Foam Mat Review - Trek Scotland
Posted by Trek Scotland on May 19, 2022
As the name suggests this is a superlight foam mat weighing
in at an impressive 74 grams with a sizing of 150 cm x 50cm and a thickness of
3mm. It has a low profile which means it can easily be rolled or folded to fit
within our pack. Rather than replacing a sleeping mat, we found it much more
suitable as a footprint for a solo tent or bivy bag.
Protection from the ground is very impor
Gram-counter Gear VLT Tent Review - Trek Scotland
Posted by Trek Scotland on May 18, 2022
The VLT from
Gram-Counter Gear is a single skin tent, saving
on weight and bulk through less fabric being used. This concept has been
popular for some time now and it just so happens our introduction to single
skin tents came a few years ago from the designer of this very shelter, so we
were obviously very eager to see how the VLT would perform for us in Scotland.
The name VLT simpl
Gram-counter Gear Ultra Carbon Trekking Poles Review - Ultralight Outdoor Gear
Posted by Mark Richardson on May 05, 2022
I was lucky enough to get a chance to review a
pre-production pair of the new Gram-counter Gear Ultra-Carbon Trekking poles,
amazingly light at just 125grams per pole, actually the lightest true trekking
pole we have available, and of all the products I tested on the Tour of the
Matterhorn these were the most remarkable.
Note the pre-production poles I had are identical to the
Trek Scotland Review - Gram-Counter Gear Crash Out Mat
Posted by Trek Scotland on Apr 20, 2020
Keeping yourself off the floor whilst wild camping is beneficial not only in terms of comfort but more importantly in providing a buffer between you and the ground itself. You can be in the best sleeping bag around, but in the UK, if you don’t raise yourself away from the ground you will find it hard to have a pleasant night’s sleep. One of the best advancements in modern lightweight equipment is
Cairngorm Treks Review - Gram Counter Gear Grip Clips
Posted by Cairngorm Treks on Apr 22, 2019
You would assume it could be rather difficult to talk in depth about
what is essentially two bits of plastic that fit together. Fortunately,
the Gram Counter Grip Clips offer much more than they would appear with a
multitude of uses.Made of molded plastic and weighing a mere 5 grams the Grip Clips, as
the name might suggest, simply join (or grip to) either side of a piece
of fabric to pr
Cairngorm Treks Review - Gram Counter Gear Titanium Nail Pegs
Posted by Cairngorm Treks on Mar 26, 2018
Used extensively by Cairngorm Treks throughout the Cairngorms and surrounding mountainous areas, Winter 2017 – Spring 2018.When first reading about the indestructible nature of the Gram-Counter Gear pegs we were expecting four beasts that had to be forced through the letter box. On arrival, we were slightly disheartened as a very small package almost floated through the door. Each peg is a mere 10