Black Diamond Distance Tent Review - Ultralight Outdoor Gear
Posted by Mark Richardson on Jun 06, 2022
Black Diamond Distance tent is a good example of the
kind of tent I look out for – it’s spacious for one person (although Black
Diamond says it’s a two-person), has a good head height and is very
lightweight. It achieves its lightweight tag by being single skin and utilising
your trekking poles as its support structure. Also, there’s no porch for
storing gear – so using the
Montane Trailblazer LT Rucksack Review - Ultralight Outdoor Gear
Posted by Joel Brennan on Jun 06, 2022
I’ve used both the
20Litre and the 28Litre versions of Montane’s Trailblazer LT ultralight rucksacks and I am very impressed,
considering their overall weight they pack an amazing amount of features and functionality
and are remarkably comfortable thanks to the vest-pack type harness and
generous hip fins.
One of the key features is the bladder pocket which sits
Haglofs Roc Gore-Tex Jacket Review - Ultralight Outdoor Gear
Posted by Chris Futers on May 31, 2022
The ROC GTX Jacket from
Haglof’s is perfectly suited to
Hikers and Backpackers a-like due to the simple design that will stand the test
of time with a rucksack on your back.
First of all, this is not a shell that you will pop in your
rucksack for the off chance of rain, but a jacket for trips/days out where rain
will definitely be a factor. The 3-layer Gore-Tex will take all th
Why use Trekking Poles? - LEKI post
Posted by Mark Richardson on May 28, 2022
We were watching LEKI's guide to why you should use trekking poles, it was so good we added a link to it here. Then we realised there was more than one - so here are both of them, they're really good.
How to Fastpack with a Bum Bag
Posted by Norman Hadley on May 26, 2022
“The more constraints
one imposes, the more one frees oneself” - Igor Stravinsky.The Genesis of an
IdeaIn the first three months of 2021, leisure travel was
disallowed to contain the coronavirus. Again, I was exiled from my beloved
Lakeland fells. True, I was much luckier than most - the Bowland hills are on
my doorstep - but I dreamed of the day I would be able to run the Cumbrian
ridges ag
Polartec Alpha explained
Posted by Mark Richardson on May 26, 2022
Alpha is one of a range of insulation from Polartec, we explain what it does and include our opinion of it.
Rab Down Jacket Warmth Guide
May 25, 2022
What affects the warmth?Down Quality Generally the more down in a jacket (fill weight), the warmer it is going to be but this assumes the down is the same quality. However, down quality can vary significantly and is measured by its fill power. A higher fill power down will keep you warmer than a lower fill power. To make matters worse there are two widely recognised methods of measuring Fill Power
Knowledge Base - The Facts About Water Purification in the Outdoors
May 25, 2022
Drink Dilemma – the facts about water treatmentThe DangersDrinking water directly from streams and rivers can be hazardous because such sources could contain Pathogens; a Pathogen is a disease causing organism commonly referred to as a germ.There are four types of water-borne pathogens that are of concern:
Protozoa – single cell organisms often transferred through human and animal faeces. They ar
Sleeping Bag Size and Shape
May 24, 2022
What Size and Shape Sleeping Bag?The sleeping bag is a vital piece of kit in any camping set up but choosing one can be difficult. After you've decided on how much you want to spend, how cold you need it to be able to go down to and how much weight you're happy to carry there are still a lot of aspects to consider. Here we have tried to show some of the things you might want to consider in terms o
About Mosquito Nets
May 24, 2022
Most mosquitos, including those that carry malaria, are active when it's dark. A mosquito net not only keeps malaria mosquitos away but also other insects, such as lice, bed bugs and fleas. So contributing to a good night's sleep.A Mosquito net only offers extra protection against mosquitos and other insects if it is sealed off all around and has a mesh size of no more than 1.75mm. Nets may be imp
Knowledgebase Page - A Beginners Guide to Ice Axes
May 24, 2022
The intention of this page is simply to provide guidance and advice to those with limited winter mountaineering experience. It is not definitive piece and is based solely on our experiences in the mountains. The aim is to simply help customers understand differences and focus on what they might need from the options available when considering buying an ice axe. We hope to provide some general advi
WickiUp 3 Special Features
May 24, 2022
WickiUp 3The WickiUp 3 is a special shelter so we've given it a special page just to explain how good it really is! The quality of materials and the high standard of construction are self evident however the modular approach to the WickiUp 3 components offers great flexibility in how the shelter can be used, by buying two or more parts you can configure various shelters at various weights for a va