Montane Terra Alpine Short Review - Ultralight Outdoor Gear
Posted by Rob Farquhar on Aug 08, 2022
Montane’s Terra Alpine Shorts form part of the
Terra Pants range that cover a variety of activities in a range of weathers. In this case,
these softshell shorts were designed for milder conditions. To test this out a
few days hiking in, what happened to be, changeable weather was certainly the
ideal start for someone that hasn’t tried this range of gear before. To give
you a brief int
Trek Scotland Review - Rab Torque Light Shorts
Posted by Trek Scotland on Aug 17, 2020
Having been big fans of Rab’s Torque pants and jacket we were very keen to see if the shorts lived up to the same dependable reputation that has made this range so successful. What makes them instantly noticeable as part of the Torque range is the use of the Matrix double weave stretch material. Rab say that “although primarily designed for summer ascents in warm climates, their value as a general
Trek Scotland Review - Mammut Sertig Shorts
Posted by Trek Scotland on May 13, 2019
The Mammut Sertig shorts are a lightweight option for use during
particularly warm spells. Perforated polyester-elastane stretch fabric
is used in sections where a moisture build-up is most common, and we
have to say it works fantastically and offers unrivalled breathability.
Whilst working hard on steep ground or mountain biking, the Sertig
offered great air flow and never felt restrict