
WickiUp 3 Special Features

May 24, 2022

WickiUp 3The WickiUp 3 is a special shelter so we've given it a special page just to explain how good it really is! The quality of materials and the high standard of construction are self evident however the modular approach to the WickiUp 3 components offers great flexibility in how the shelter can be used, by buying two or more parts you can configure various shelters at various weights for a va …
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Bach Wiki-up 3 Review - Ultralight Outdoor Gear

Posted by Mark Richardson on May 04, 2022

When Nigor folded as a company the product designs were taken up by Bach, already a well-known rucksack brand. Bach has taken the designs and added these largely unchanged shelters to its offering. A key USP for Nigor was the use of ‘Nylon 6.6’ as opposed to standard Nylon 6 used by most manufacturers and Bach has continued with this type of nylon. It is significantly better than the …
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