Montane Trailblazer LT Rucksack Review - Ultralight Outdoor Gear
Posted by Joel Brennan on Jun 06, 2022
I’ve used both the 20Litre and the 28Litre versions of Montane’s Trailblazer LT ultralight rucksacks and I am very impressed, considering their overall weight they pack an amazing amount of features and functionality and are remarkably comfortable thanks to the vest-pack type harness and generous hip fins.
One of the key features is the bladder pocket which sits between the rucksack itself and the back panel making it accessible without taking having to open the pack and take stuff out. The back panel itself is made from high void mesh which is soft and thick like a piece of foam but allows your back to breathe. The position of the water bladder also provides further support and cushioning of the load providing it isn’t too full, I haven’t been filling my bladder beyond two thirds full because at that level it moulds to your back.
The feature I like most on the Trailblazer is the pockets, there are twin side mesh pockets which extend through to the hip belt fins which have zipped access to them. This works superbly well, you can keep pushing stuff into the hip fin openings and it fills up the side mesh pockets, and of course, you can get at the contents of the side pockets via the hip fin openings. They are very easy to use and will take a lot of gear.
There are pockets on the shoulder straps too, which are comparatively large and will take snacks or whatever that you want to eat on the go. The double chest strap feels snug and does its job perfectly although the straps can come off the cord-ladder arrangement when not in use and could be lost.
Fastening the hipbelt is again remarkably effective given that it is only a webbing strip attached to the fins, the fins are just big enough to grip your waist helping to spread the load. There’s a bungee section on the front of the pack that will take a waterproof or light insulating layer when the rest of the pack is full.
It's difficult to find fault with the Trailblazers, basically, given their weight, they pack well, carry well and have a rich feature set built around convenience ‘on the go’.
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Joel Brennan |
Joel, our Purchasing Manager, joined UOG in 2013. He enjoys keeping fit in any way possible and often goes hiking in the local area of Teesside and the North York Moors as well as frequent trips to the Lake District, usually with his two dogs. Joel’s hikes often end up at a local pub and/or café to refuel. He supports using the outdoors for mental and physical well-being and enjoys going running every week with a group of friends. |