Haglofs Duality AT1 GT Boots Review - Ultralight Outdoor Gear
Posted by Joel Brennan on May 04, 2022
The Haglofs Duality technology is one of a kind; they have an interesting, unique design, aesthetically they look fantastic and the interchangeable midsole aims to offer two shoes in one. The deep midsoles mean that the majority of the support is inside the shoe, which offers incredible comfort. There is a reason they are referred to as midsoles rather than insoles as they are much more substantial than a regular insole and there is definitely a difference between the two pairs – one softer set (red pair) for daily use and a harder set (green) for rougher terrain and heavier loads (both are included in the purchase of these boots). Although I could feel the difference between the two, I wouldn’t say it was enough to warrant packing both sets of midsoles to swap out on a hike or trip. With that being said, you can definitely feel a difference between the two underfoot – the green midsoles are stiffer and prevent you from feeling lumps and bumps on the trail.
In terms of comfort, I can’t say I’ve ever used a pair of waterproof footwear that have been as comfortable as the Duality AT1 GT. As soon as you slip your foot in the knitted, sock-like upper, it hugs your feet and you can feel the comfort straight out of the box – there is no need to wear them in like some traditional hiking boots. The top of the sock is fairly tight to get your foot in the boot but the looped webbing on the heel allows your feet to access the boots hassle free and the sock does prevent mud and debris getting in. Once your feet are firmly in the boots, you forget about the knitted sock completely because it is so comfortable and to top it off, it’s made from 100% recycled polyester, as are the webbing and laces.
The Gore-Tex liner works a treat too and offers superb versatility; I have used the boots in blazing sunshine in the Lake District as well as in snowy conditions. The waterproof liner offered substantial protection in the snow, as my feet did not wet out but they also didn’t make my feet clammy in warm conditions, as traditional hiking boots often do. The premium leather appears to be super tough and has a great handle to it. It also takes the colour to it very well, meaning the boots look good too.
The quality of the materials on these boots are second to none. The ASICS® High Abrasion Resistance Rubber on the outsole offer plenty of grip and stability. Don’t let the thin outsole put you off, as the thick, interchangeable midsoles that are hidden away inside the boot more than make up for this. One thing to note however, which may be a deal breaker for some people is the lack of a heel break. For me personally, this is not an issue whatsoever.
Overall, these boots are remarkably comfortable and super versatile. They can be worn in all conditions and the knitted sock upper means they can be worn next to skin with shorts in the Summer with no abrasion occurring. It’s hard to find anything not to like about the Haglofs Duality AT1 GT Boots. Don’t let the unique design deter you as they offer everything traditional boots do plus much more.
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Joel Brennan |
Joel, our Purchasing Manager, joined UOG in 2013. He enjoys keeping fit in any way possible and often goes hiking in the local area of Teesside and the North York Moors as well as frequent trips to the Lake District, usually with his two dogs. Joel’s hikes often end up at a local pub and/or café to refuel. He supports using the outdoors for mental and physical well-being and enjoys going running every week with a group of friends. |