Knowledge Base Page - Ethical Wool
Nov 19, 2018
Wool is used in outdoor gear as an insulator, usually found in lightweight baselayer garments. Merino is the most popular type of wool used in outdoor clothing. Lanolin, a waxy substance secreted by wool-bearing animals, gives Wool a special property; if you're working hard on the hills, building up a sweat and wearing wool, when the wool garment dries there's almost no odour left behind from your sweat.
As wool is a natural product, coming straight off a sheep's back, it's biodegradeable so if you were to bury it in the ground it would eventually compost. So environmentally it's pretty good; all you have to consider is the effect that livestock have in terms of land use, CO2 production and the processing & manufacturing methods associated with the garment you have or are considering purchasing.
The main ethical issue with wool is how the Sheep are treated and how they get to live their lives.

Key Issues
These are some of the main issues that are associated with farming sheep. You may want to do your own research to see what the individual brands are saying about where and how their wool is sourced.
Mulesing: This is the barbaric & painful process of removing the skin around the sheep's backside. The aim of this is to prevent flystrike which is when flies manage to lay their eggs around this area of the sheep, they hatch and then the sheep is infested with maggots, eating them alive. This can be prevented through better animal husbandry, insecticides and closer monitoring of the livestock.
Animal Welfare: From best practice husbandry to the promotion of the 5 freedoms of livestock, Sheep deserve to have a a good life as much as any other animal on the planet. Unfortunately, these stipulations are not always adhered to.
Preserving Land Health: Intensive sheep farming can use methods that harm the environment. It can also promote land clearing and degredation. Methods such as allowing animals to graze on smaller patches of land and for shorter periods of time allows the land to somewhat recover. Other issues include soil health, biodiversity and the protection of native species.
The Responsible Wool Standard (RWS)
The Responsible Wool Standard is an industry tool designed to recognize the best practices of farmers, ensuring that wool comes from farms with a progressive approach to managing their land, and from sheep that have been treated responsibly. It is an independent, voluntary standard, companies can choose to become certified to the RWS.
The goals of the Responsible Wool Standard are to provide the industry with a tool to recognize the best practices of farmers; ensuring that wool comes from farms that have a progressive approach to managing their land, practice holistic respect for animal welfare of the sheep and respect the Five Freedoms of animal welfare.
The goals of the Responsible Wool Standard are to provide the industry with a tool to recognize the best practices of farmers; ensuring that wool comes from farms with a progressive approach to managing their land, and from sheep that have been treated responsibly.

Ensuring Responsible Wool from Sheep to Store.
☑️Animal Welfare Protection
The Five Freedoms of animal welfare are protected with reference to standards and best practices around the world.
☑️ Land Health Preservation
Progressive methods of land management are practiced on RWS farms, protecting soil health, biodiversity, and native species.
☑️ Social welfare protection
Social welfare, working conditions, and the health and safety of workers are addressed.
Chain of custodyCertification makes sure the identity of the RWS wool is maintained from farm to final product. Learn More
☑️Credible Certification
A professional, third-party certification body audits each stage in the supply chain.
☑️Confident Communication
Only products that meet all requirements may be labeled with the RWS logo.
☑️Stakeholder Engagement
The RWS is managed with the input of farmers, animal welfare experts, land conservation experts, brands, and retailers from all parts of the globe.

Wool is used in outdoor gear as an insulator, usually found in lightweight baselayer garments. Merino is the most popular type of wool used in outdoor clothing. Lanolin, a waxy substance secreted by wool-bearing animals, gives Wool a special property; if you're working hard on the hills, building up a sweat and wearing wool, when the wool garment dries there's almost no odour left behind from your sweat.