Collapsible Coffee Drip


This Coffee Drip is an lightweight coffee maker that folds down for easy storage and transport so you can take it with you wherever you go. Made from pure stainless steel, it's reusable, and ideal for travelers, workers …

RRP: €48,79
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This Coffee Drip is an lightweight coffee maker that folds down for easy storage and transport so you can take it with you wherever you go. Made from pure stainless steel, it's reusable, and ideal for travelers, workers and campers alike.

Snow Peak says

For fast and light backpacking or everyday use, our stainless steel pour-over brewer is lightweight and foldable for easy storage, making this coffee maker an essential component to your morning ritual, no matter where you brew.

Our Verdict

Snow Peak's Collapsible Coffee Drip uses Stainless Steel to provide a strong, lightweight version of the coffee drip for the outdoors. The design allows it to flatten down for easy storage while also keeping the weight to a minimum. The simple design is strong, durable and also lets you use generic coffee filters with it for added versatility.

Made from pure stainless steel, it's reusable, eco-friendly, and biocompatible so that the only thing you taste is delicious hot coffee in your cup.

- Reviewed by Ultralight Outdoor Gear


  • Lightweight and collapsible dripper
  • Compatible with Chemex & Hario V60 filters


  • Weight: 140g
  • Dimensions: L 4" x W 4" x H 3.75" (102 x 102 x 96mm)
  • Size stowed: L 6.75" x W 5.5"x  H 0.5" (171 x 140 x 13mm)
  • Material: Stainless Steel
Snow Peak Collapsible Coffee Drip

Collapsible Coffee Drip

RRP: €48,79