
GR20 - 2013 - Introduction

Posted by Mark Richardson on Sep 02, 2013

The GR20 has a tough reputation, Mark Richardson tackled the defining Northern section over six days in September using it as a good test for the lightweight gear that we sell. If you're considering doing this route yourself you can read here about how he got on and how the gear perofmed, along with help and advice in getting there and back easily. Check the links below:


Mark Richardson

Mark was the founder of Ultralight Outdoor Gear back in 2006 and has completed long distance backpacking routes in some of the remotest parts of the world. His favourite hikes have been Torres del Paine (full circuit), the John Muir trail and the Markha Valley trail (Ladakh, India). Although semi-retired Mark has not lost any enthusiasm for minimalist backpacking and is tackling Scotland’s Munros choosing multi-day backpacking routes over the more usual guide book excursions.

Read more from Mark Richardson