
Ama Dablam 2013 - Introduction

Posted by Mark Richardson on Nov 04, 2013

Ama Dablam is a high peak in the Himalayas, the summit is at around 6800m. This is an account of a recent successful summit attempt by our friend & peak grabber, Sieto Van der Heide. In November 2013 he managed to get safely to the summit and took some great pictures, wrote a nice trip report and reviewed some of his gear. View the different sections of his complete report below.

Getting There

Trip Report

Gear List

Gear Choice & Reviews

Photo Gallery

Mark Richardson

Mark was the founder of Ultralight Outdoor Gear back in 2006 and has completed long distance backpacking routes in some of the remotest parts of the world. His favourite hikes have been Torres del Paine (full circuit), the John Muir trail and the Markha Valley trail (Ladakh, India). Although semi-retired Mark has not lost any enthusiasm for minimalist backpacking and is tackling Scotland’s Munros choosing multi-day backpacking routes over the more usual guide book excursions.

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