Pio-Pio Solo Footprint

190g (excluding bag)

Bach's PioPio footprint is designed to fits under the tent exactly. Bach says This durable footprint protects the floor of the tent from rocks, sharp twigs and pine needles, as well as from mud and ground water. Our V…

RRP: £74.99
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Bach's PioPio footprint is designed to fits under the tent exactly.

Bach says

This durable footprint protects the floor of the tent from rocks, sharp twigs and pine needles, as well as from mud and ground water.

Our Verdict

We reckon that it you're buying a superlight tent you don't want to carry a footprint as well - its kind of self defeating - however there are occasions when you know you're going to be camping out on very rough ground and it makes sense to carry a footprint on these trips to protect the tent.

Another angle on this is that I usually take a lightweight groundsheet on a long hike as its nice to be able to spread your gear out or sit outside the tent from time to time - a footprint can provide this facility as well as being a protector for the tent floor.

So, Bach's PioPio Footprint may be a useful addition to your kitlist, at 190grams its not the lightest solo footprint in the world, but that reflects the level of protection it will afford.

- Reviewed by Ultralight Outdoor Gear


  • Protects your tent floor from sharp objects
  • Can be used as tarp


  • Weight: 190g (excludes storage bag)
  • Material: 40D Ripstop Nylon 10,000mm TPU

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Bach Pio-Pio Solo Footprint

Pio-Pio Solo Footprint

RRP: £74.99