
Sea to Summit Ether Light XT Extreme Mat

Posted by Trail Magazine on Aug 18, 2022


Our judges waxed lyrical about this 10cm-thick, warm and comfortable sleeping mat, which features Air Sprung Cell technology and boasts an R-value of over 6. Judge David Lintern said: "No corners are cut with the Ether Light - the high R value ensures protection from the ground in truly sub-zero temperatures and the regular size is wide enough that your arms don't fall off the sides. It's fairly weighty and bulky in the pack but probably the most comfortable sleeping mat I've ever used. It comes with an inflation bag to protect it from mildew and condensation, and this ensures better durability" Alex Roddie was impressed by the low weight despite the impressive R-value, explaining, “720g isn't that outrageous for a really comfy mat that's warm enough for camping on snow, whilst Lucy Wallace added, "This has all the positives of the XT model, with additional warmth for the extra weight – for winter camps it'll be excellent, both warm and quiet”